HeatPaxx Footwarmers
1,00 EUR Starting price for a pairHeatpaxx Footwarmers
The Heatpaxx footwarmers perfectly warm if your in the cold for snowboarding, skiing. Also when feet and hands have poor blood circulation. Thermal heat pads Heatpaxx are a beuatifull gift the idea of giving warmth is a warm idea. Also when you are sitting down for hours f.e. football game, concert, than wearing the Heatpaxx will give you at least 6 hours of pure heat. The Heatpaxx Footwarmers are for only one time to use. Heatpaxx can be ordered in 10, 20, and 40 pairs in a bundle.
Heatpaxx Footwarmers
- To attach the socks,
- Wafer-thin and barely noticeable,
- Fits any size shoe
- Heat Duration: 6 + hours
- Max temperature: 42 ° C
- Average temperature: 38 ° C
HeatPaxx Safety:
- do not put the Heatpaxx pads directly to the skin. - Not for children - children and people with a handicap should only use the heat pad under supervision. - People with bloodcirculation problems better before use contacting their family doctor.
Ingredients: Ironpowder, Water, Cellulose,Vermiculite, Activated Carbon and Salt
Manufacturer Info
Heatpaxx Since 2005 active in the manufacturing of Heatpaxx footwarmers, handwarmers and bodywarmers where production processes are monitored by german specialsits in order to achieve the best quality at the best possible low price.